Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mother - A Phenomena

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting There's no emotion quite like that of holding your baby for the first time. Of seeing, hearing and feeling what you carried within you for nine months - a little being, small, vulnerable, wordless. That's when it occurs to her that life has changed irrevocably. That she is now responsible for life besides her own. Just whe the anxiety threatens to overwhelm her, her baby cries out. As she quickly turns to her baby; to take in her arms, the apprehension turns into acceptance. And finally, the woman turns into a MOTHER.

She feels her baby is a great person to talk to Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting. About anything under the sun, for hours and hours on end. There she is, calling her baby by their name, telling her baby about mummy and daddy, and what a pretty baby he/she is. Pointing at things and explaining to her baby what they are. Asking her baby what they'll become when they grow up, or who her Price Charming / Princess would be. There is her baby, listening to solemnly to every word. Then, very seriously, her baby explains her view of life, the universe and everything: 'Goo-goo, ga-ga."

She knows that expression very well. She should. It's the baby's. And now it's hers too.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Her little one has got it down pat - the eyes, the smile, everything. She realizes that she is teaching her little one more than she thinks. Her little one is watching her every move, learning how to behave in the world. It's funny at first. Then she begins to worry about what she is teaching her baby. That her baby is learning things he/she is not supposed to. Because the last thing she wants is that her baby turns out like herself.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting It's natural for her to call out her baby by her name. And it's even more natural for her baby to not understand. One day, she'll call out to her baby. And her baby would turn his/her pretty little head to look at her. As if to say, "Yes, Momma; I'm here." She realizes that her baby has been slowly understanding that one familiar combination of sound refers to him/her. That her baby's just begun to discover his/her own identity. What she has now is no longer a little bundle of likes, dislikes, moods and quirks. It's a little person.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingOne day, her baby decides to make some travel plans. Accordingly, her little one disappears every time her back is turned. Crawling off to his/her next destination, criss-crossing the house, covering as much as twenty kilometers a day. Much to her concern. Her baby does not see the dangers she does. What if he/she bumps her head on the cupboard? Or crawls right off the bed? Or (heaven forbid!) crawls towards the stairs? That's when she finds herself taking on the next great motherhood role - the BODYGUARD.

After weeks of cruising along holding onto furniture, alternately standing up and falling down, the great day arrives. Her little one climbs to his/her feet.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting And bravely, with a look of intense concentration on his/her face, he/she takes his/her first tottering steps into the world. Walking comfotably - if a trifle unsteadily - into her waiting arms. He/She has just achieved independent mobility, and their face glows. But for her the moment is bittersweet. Because it's the end of babyhood, and the begining of childhood.

She is a MOTHER. A word that means the world to ME.


  1. Niks,

    Wonderful! It was a vehemently lovely post. Indeed, that's what MOTHERS are. And these are things that make them so Special!

    -Amit H.

  2. Nikita,

    You have a charisma with words. That was one beautiful post written.


  3. >There is her baby, listening to solemnly to every word. Then, very seriously, her baby explains her view of life, the universe and everything: 'Goo-goo, ga-ga."

    Awesomely explained. Agree with what you say.
    The kid one day is also going become a parent and needs to decide from his/her self. But Mom always thinks that their son or daughter are always small infront of her and still feel they can't decide for themselves.

    It is also true, how much the world is against her son and daughter she still feels her kid is innocent.

    Mom's Love is Unconditional.


  4. Very beautiful post and nice way of putting thoughts about MOTHER..

    She is a MOTHER. A word that means the world to ME.
    It means a world to me too...

  5. I worship my momma for the many prayers she whispered during the worst moments in my life and the many hopes for my success in all that I dreamed of.


  6. wow!!!....beautiful!....simply superb!!!
    i dont know how and what i will feel after delivery and all....but till now...the journey with baby has been wonderful!!

  7. Niks,

    Awwwsome post!Amazing. Mother - the one person whose kind wishes would make me so happy and the gentle words of encouragement that are meant to strengthen my quests.


  8. Niks,

    A damn sweet post.

    A mother is a person who experiences the moments of sorrow during our failurs, and gives us little gestures of kindness that makes us feel better.


  9. A mother - She accepts us the way we are, she has the ability to understand and her sincere friendship always give us security.

    I love her!

    First time on ur blog. Nice post. Very well written.

  10. I love my mom for all those lessons of wisdom she taught, and the meaning behind the words "unconditional love"

    For all that she has done...thank you. For all that she is..I love her.

    Too good a post. Awwwsomely written.

  11. Very beautifully written with with beautiful pics! Awwww....:)


  12. Z00nie

    Hope's all well with u? Had a good laff while reading your posts. :-).

    Thnkx for appreciating the post.

    May God continue to bless her beautiful soul.

  13. happy belated mothers day to ur mom for nurturing your writing talent! :)
    Nicely written post. And cute photos.
    U will like take a peek.

  14. AF

    the journey with baby has been wonderful!!

    Happy Mother's Day to you, sweets!

    May you be blessed with a healthy baby.

  15. Vijz

    Hope all's well with you. I pray that our good Lord bless our moms, and families.. with joy, laughter, & lots of love to hold now and evermore. :-)

  16. Anjaan

    Welcome to ma blog. And, belated Budday wishes to you. May your happiness last for days' unending!

    Belated wishes to your mother as well. I wish you the same and lots more for your mom through God's bountiful blessings. :-)


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