Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Monday, January 29, 2007

How do you measure?

There's so much that goes in our lives that we often get lost in it. But no matter what there is a certain point where we come to a stop, and see how far we have come, what have we done, and where are we heading to. People say, "what matters is today" and one should not bother to look back. But, I think that's a lie. I know that in the dead of the night when we are all alone and things don't work the way we want them to, we think about it, we ponder, we do ask questions. We DO look back and we also DO think about tomorrow. As we stand in the present we wonder how do we measure the years that have passed.

How is it measured??

Report Cards
Cups of coffee
The life with friends
Truth that we learned
Bridges we burnt
Everytime we said 'Thank You' or 'Sorry'
Or how we love?

Yes, It is measured in love. In how we love others unselfishly, in how we love ourselves and sometimes not, and in how we receive love or foolishly won't. Love is the measure of how we live our lives, no matter what.

How do you measure?

Friday, January 26, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wishing all of you a very Happy New Year.

Feels good
It's so damn cold here. It is 7 degrees.
Here I mean USA
It can also be called deep-freezer.

It's not so cold in Mumbai. It is a blessed 21 degrees there.

16th December 2006
I got married

27th December 2006
Technically, I left my city behind.

...came across strangers who speak familiar words.

Thus it goes on..
New country
New people
AND the goddamn cold.

Me and my thougts in a different bowl.

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