Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Homework or No Homework?

Two weeks into kindergarten and not a day has passed without my daughter coming home with a thick folder of worksheets along with instructions to complete the work by the following day. Initially, she would tackle it quite easily - tracing alphabets, making sight words, coloring pages, beginning numbers, et al. Until recently she's started to dread the work. Not because the worksheets are difficult, but it hinders her after-school time. Not allowing her to do what "she wants" to do. And that's when I started questioning it all - is homework really necessary? This debate is not new. Parents have always questioned how much homework is too much? or too little? In my opinion, homework in elementary school serves no academic benefit, and is actually detrimental to kids. It squeezes out their play time. They have passions they want to pursue - from building Lego, playing with friends or any recreational reading with the family. And homework often diminishes or eliminates time for such activities. It also reduces family time; dining tables are being turned over into school, these days. As parents, we want to build a rich family life, and homework SURELY interferes with that process. It dominates the purpose of wanting to balance work, family and our children's educational goals. I think kids are naturally curious and show willingness to learn at all times, hence if their day is well-planned there is really no need for homework. What say you?

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Monday, August 1, 2016

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Monday, July 25, 2016

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Friday, July 22, 2016

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Monday, July 18, 2016

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Monday, July 4, 2016

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Friday, July 1, 2016

Monday, June 27, 2016

Nanotale #Real

"Tell me more about yourself", asked the prospective bride. "I have a baggage of the past"; "I've made many mistakes"; "I've failed at keeping promises"; "Imperfection is my last name"; ...he replied "You are real. Please marry me", she said. #Loveisintheknowing #Acceptanceisavirtue

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Friday, June 10, 2016

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016

Monday, May 2, 2016

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible - Dalai Lama.

Kindness is not weak, naive, silly or unimportant. I believe it is the highest form of intelligence in the most challenging, difficult situations. Times when you are going through a rough stretch and feeling down, when you feel the dark clouds are always following you around, and that you you will never get yourself out of this rut. It's in the these times that a hug, kind words of reassurance or any small action, performed with kindness, is so comforting and helpful in getting back on track. And, that's where the POWER of kindness comes into play. People who go out of their way to put a smile back on your face, sometimes without knowing what's running in that head of yours. People who keep you going, make you see the positive in things, people and situations. A friend told me, "Don't allow the troubles in your head to take up too much of your time. You'll be dead and gone, one day". I cannot stress the importance of that statement enough.

There are going to be bad days and there also will be situations you can't change. But, the responsibility lies within you to uplift yourself and move on. If you are lucky, you'll have some really good friends to help you on your way up. Don't let some painful situations get in the way of the love you have to give. There will be times when you will feel disabled in every way, shape or form. People wander, marriages/relationship's fall apart, and things go awry. That's when you need time alone with your thoughts - to accept that you were hurt and to rejoice that you'll recover. Learn from the past experiences and grow with them. Don't regret anything, just recollect the good times and show gratitude for the lesson(s) it taught you. Harboring negative feelings is nothing but a waste of time. Use that energy to help yourself, as well as others, in a positive way.

Recently, I read an article that stated how we don't appreciate and accept people for who they are. How we don't recognize the small acts of kindness and love they offer. I started to feel it was written keeping me in mind. Never before I realized how much I really want to give back the love that so many people gave me. I know that feeling of hopelessness and would never want someone else to go through it. I know that amazing feeling of what a helping hand can do for you. Just taking a nanosecond to put a smile on someone's face can turn the day around for them, and for you. The deep satisfaction that comes when you know you've touched a heart. The sun you bring in someone's day will light up your day, too. Treating others with kindness, love, respect and compassion will only bring the same in abundance for you as well.

I've been lucky, really lucky for the family I have and the most awesomest, loving friends I have made in my life thus far. Reaching out to people with kindness will only make you a better person. Take the time to help others, treat them with respect, say nice things and think good thoughts - Because EVERYTHING comes back!

Current mood - *feeling determined*
On the playlist - Muskurane ki wajah tum ho (Arijit Singh on the vocals, at his best).

**Pics off the web.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

When was the last time you told someone you loved them?

I recently watched a video, and it made me realize how seldom we tell people close to us that we love them. That we value them. As friends or family. I thought to myself - What is it the one thing that I would still set out to acquire in life, amongst all the worldly possessions, in the grand scheme of things? What is that one thing in life that would give me a rapid heartbeat of anticipation or the possession of excitememt in breath?And, that would be - love of others. Not the thrill of fancy cars, clothes or experiences, just pure, unadulterated, oragnic love. ONLY love.

The love from friends and family that is sometimes so overlooked, so taken for granted, so kept under wraps. The love that should be kept close - to the heart, and to life. So much so that you'd have difficulty in letting these people go, if a situation arose. The people you'd want to hang onto, cling to, and make them stay in your life forever, for they make up for the love you feel. The ones who are considered unbreakable pieces of your family - and MOST importantly YOUR life.
Love, for me, has always been very sacred and delicate. It can be the best moments and the most beautiful memories of someone. Love, so pure in thoughts and yet so majestic in gestures. Love that triumphs over all, the kind of love that uplifts us from darkened days and is the light at the end of the tunnel. The kind that makes their chest swell and tightens their throat by just thinking of how much you mean to them. The gift of uncoditional support that cannot be bought, but only earned. The thrill of someone tolerating you while you are having a bad day, and still love you at the end of the day. It makes me wonder that love is really not so complicated after all. You give love, respect and abundance and that's exactly what you receive. But, for some the concept of love is always up for debate. It's been terrifying and hurtful for some. Sometimes telling someone you love them causes more anxiety than an open-heart surgery. It's never easy telling someone that you love them, the first time. It's even harder to accept if it's not reciprocated. My response is, that one should take the risk, be bold enough to say those three magical words, without expectations. To express and not supress. But, there's everyone who needs a little bit of love at the end of the day. There is comfort in the knowledge that someone loves you for what you are.

 I've heard people say that you need to attract positive vibes from the person you love, at the core, to attract love and abundance in your life. But, we just don't say it enough. Regardless of who it is - your partner, family or just a friend. When was the last time you told you near ones you love them? Maybe, the time is NOW.

Mood right now - *Smiling*
On the playlist - Bolna from Kapoor & Sons (Arijit Singh at his best)!  

**Pics off the web

Monday, April 25, 2016

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016

To feed or not to feed - Raising picky eaters.

There is no one safe guarded secret to feeding a healthy child. For most of us, as mothers, it expresses trouble. Trouble eating, trouble with feeding, and trouble with cooking. Getting kids to eat is anything but enjoyable. As mothers we set such high expectations for feeding our children what is "good" for them. What I realized over time is that the secret to feeding kids is to love food, and sharing that love with them. To teach them the framework of knowledge, habit, attitude, and necessity - all the perspectives that go into eating and enjoying what you eat.

As a mother, the predominant attitude about eating is "Don't". "Don't eat too many chocolates. Don't eat too much junk. Don't eat too much fat". So much of time is spent is thinking about avoiding than eating! A friend told me once, "Getting good nutrition is not about taking fun out of eating". I quite agree. In today's world, we manipulate food only for the sole purpose of feeding our children. We supply them with so much "healthy", and end up raising kids that have shorter lists of foods they enjoy, and eat precisely what suits them.

Truth be told, we all eat what we like. Same is true for children. More often than not, kids loose food acceptance skills when they get more interference than support. We need to instill in them the desire to consistently eat a variety of foods than just foods that are branded "healthy".In my opinion, we should allow kids to choose from what they'd like to eat rather than pushing it down their throat, even if it is just one food choice they make from what is served on the table.

You give them the liberty to choose if they'd like to eat or not, and as much as they want.(Maybe reward them if they eat without a fuss, later!)Also, the biggest backbone of eating competence lies in being structured. Sit-down meals than eating on the go is one of them. Or absent-mindedly snack or nibble on foods when hunger drives you to it. Or eating at irregular intervals. Kids need to be taught the essential framework in eating well - to eat at regular and predictable mealtimes, and to take the time to tune in and enjoy the food they eat.

Bribing isn't the best practice when it comes to mealtimes with kids, either. Bribing or forcing them to wipe off their plate or making them eat certain foods will only ignite a more power struggle over food. They may also pair mealtimes with anger and frustration and become less sensitive to their hunger cues. Also, no begging or cajoling. It is healthy food, good for the, and tastes equally well. Period. If they curious, explain why the food is healthy and making conscious, good eating choices is important for their growth and overall development. If they put up a fight, stay calm. Don't push them, but firmly let them know that it's okay for them to not eat, but the food they are served is all they will get(for that time), and that you will dish out their favorite meal for next time.

You are the best role model for your child Parenting experts say that kids pick up behavioral patterns of what they observe than what they are told. If they see you consistently choosing healthy ingredients over their counterparts, they are more likely to start choosing it,too. The trick of the trade is to make eating and trying new foods a game than a punishment. The victory isn't in inducing a tearful child to finish or eat what they don't like, but raising self-aware kids who choose healthy food and even healthier habits by their own free will.

Honestly, there are no goods or bads, no rights or wrongs - only baby steps of what works for you and your child. Steps that make feeding them one of the most rewarding attempts we undertake. If you are going to take all the trouble of keeping up with the daily routine of cooking meals, it might as well be enriching and rewarding. (The juice has to positively be worth the squeeze!)

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Friday, April 8, 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Friends like these keep the doctor away (Almost!)

"Did you know that people who don't have atleast one best friend are likely to die an early death?", said the friend.

"Really", I ask.

"Yes, sacchi. It's science". But don't you worry. You have already upped your chances of living a healthy, long and a happy life.

"How?", I asked.

"You have me", replies the friend.

I couldn't disagree. You are the friend I bonded almost immediately because of the identical sense of humor we share. How we just see through each other's weirdness, without an unspoken connection, continues to baffle people around us. You are the friend who pushes my limits and pulls me to step outside my comfort zone. Your quest for knowledge and curiosity stir-fry's my brain, but is thrilling at the same time. Surrounding myself around you has been instrumental in my desire and appetite for life.

You are the person I turn to when I'm on the verge of a full-on meltdown. You've heard my every word, offered almost no sane solution or advice ever (doled out more wisdom when not required), but just talking to you makes me feel instantly lighter. Your mere presence calms me down when I'm having a panic attack or freaking out on something. You've been my absolute be(a)st(ie); someone I can never grow apart from. Each time we are together, we've yielded some extreme nostalgia from the past and always seem to have the bestest time.

Your presence has always helped me cover ground; although we are different individuals with different mindsets, with opposite interests (except a handful), but just having you in my life roots me to something at the fundamental core within myself. You are my homecoming (I'd feel lost without you as an anchor), and just seeing you or talking to you has always been comforting. You are someone I can let my guards down, and annoy you to the breaking point, and still nothing changes between us.

Although I'd love to check you into a rehab for not sharing my wavelength for retail therapy, and for always walking out the store in 3 minutes flat, you will always be the friend whose friendship is as important as breathing. You are someone who is priceless, even with those countless duck face selfies you click each time we hang out together.

I know you'll read this sooner than later. Kindly remember to feel guilty if I'm severely punished for lying so much. I may not really live happily and healthily ever after, after posting this!

Current mood : Feeling blessed
Current music : title song - Dil Chahta Hai

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Un-becoming who you are not!

"Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you." - Author Unknown.

"People wear masks. They hide their true self, even from themselves", I am being told. It got me thinking  - there certainly is something about wearing a mask and pretending to be someone you are not. It changes the essence of who you are. There is a sense of freedom that comes from being anonymous. It's like walking into a masquerade party. You can fearlessly express hidden features of your personality. For that moment, the mask will make it so much easier to be yourself. But what happens when the mask is taken off? You are no longer anonymous, but naked and raw.

Being pretentious or wearing a mask for any length in time is hard work, it requires tremendous amount of energy to uphold the image you are carrying. It's not something that is born in a day. It takes years of nourishment for it to develop to it's current form.

Why do people choose to mask themselves instead of expressing their true self?

No one is perfect. We all have flaws, some of us are aware of them and some are not. The main reason people build a persona around them is because they are scared and insecure to show those flaws to the world. They fear from being "unacceptable" and may loose respect, friends and relationships if their flaws were to be uncovered. In the final analysis, we often wear masks in a pursuit to "fit in". We are hungry for people-approval. We perceive a set of "public behavioral patterns" in order to win "that" acceptance. It is true, sometimes people will only accept you in a particular way. But each one has it's own expectations and desires of how people around them should behave and act - so in an effort to please "some", you are neglecting "many" others. Wearing a mask also makes you hold ideas, beliefs and reactions that are conflicting and contradicting to your inner core values. It's really not a healthy way to live life.

Wearing a mask is going to create a distance between you and the people who really, genuinely care about you. Your mask will solve the primary purpose - of pleasing people. The problem is, they are the WRONG people. Someone out there will be impressed about your knowledge, your intellect, your work profile, etc., but ONLY because they are the ones complimenting that personality, and not your own.

Please note - Your social mask is not you. You will loose track of the person you are, and loose people along the way, if you don't shed it in time. There are people who love you for what you are - UNCONDITIONALLY. There is no fear of rejection, displeasure or misjudgment with them. There are people who understand and love the "REAL" you. People you can be honest with, shed every inhibition, people who hear what you say even before you say it. The kind of relationships that don't need a mask. People who listen and show they care in more ways than one, who empathize with your struggles, who encourage and offer support and who love you for who you are - without judgments and criticism.

So, UN-BECOME the person you are not. Reach out for those who love and accept you with genuine affection, and derive happiness in honoring you as the person you are, AND NOT the person behind that mask!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Teach your child the F-word!

Failure. No one likes to befriend failure, the F-word, regardless of how you sugar coat it. But, inevitably, failure is a part of life. Sometimes things don't work out. At times we don't get what we want. Stuff happens. But if you reconstruct these situations the right way, one learns to create a new normal; to endure, to be more flexible, or to redirect our energies.

Failure is extremely hard for everyone, but more so, for overly ambitious kids. They are unaware of how to deal with this unaccustomed territory. It kills their self-esteem because they associate their performance to intelligence and brain power. And, it isn't a pretty picture. We need to give our children more wings and opportunities to embrace failure. They need to learn the skills and know-hows of how to build a relationship around it. Experiments may fail, data won't look right, someone may make better presentations, and even present them better. So many places to learn persistence and resilience.

I feel rebranding failure might be one of the many cures for the fear of failure in children. If your child has learnt something from the experience, he/she hasn't failed. Whatever they did was all a part of some kind of learning mission. Schools, too, have this failure-thing all messed up. They strive on getting the answer, but it is the question and the various ways in obtaining the answers that are more instructive. It's the pursuit in finding answers that they learn. Often, you'll hear kids say, "This may not be the ideal answer, but.." Kids fear sounding dull-witted. They fear being looked upon like a failure. It's OKAY to put forth your ideas and discuss them.

Schools and parents need to make space for asking questions as a safe and sacred haven for children. No one knows it all. If answers are unknown, "let's find out together" should be a more realistic approach. Education's primary focus on finding the "right" answer and having "good" grades makes kids afraid of asking questions. Schools harbor the fear of failure, which causes unnecessary work load on performance, and does not enhance learning at all.

At the same time, it is ironic that kids are the world's highest risk-takers. They'll want to balance on curbs, grab and reach out to shiny objects, discovering the world around them. Somehow, that sense of curiosity and discovery is lost in schools and classrooms. Educational institutions need to reinforce that risk-taking skills in them within their premises as well.

Kids need to be taught great stories on failure. How successful people have tried and failed in various fields, and still emerged triumphant. Every 10 tries to reach a particular result will teach them 9 ways that didn't work. Those are valuable lessons, too.

I feel, to weaken the fear of the F-word in children, parents and schools should be more open to the idea of failing. Kids should be encouraged to report what they learnt from taking a risk. They should see us as more approachable in asking questions and sharing their experiences. Because to succeed, they NEED to shake hands with failure. Failure will make them more kinder, better, stronger, and a wiser human being.

So, teach your kids the F-word. Have them get out there, and FAIL!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016

Monday, March 7, 2016

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Spread love, one small step at a time.

The world we are living in today isn't the brightest or happiest. News columns are filled with reports of crimes and deaths, that sometimes it's easy to forget that there is some amount of goodness left in the world. With Valentine's Day rolling, this day brings a gentle, spiritual reminder that there is love and kindness left in the world and we should recognize, embrace, and celebrate it for all it's worth.

We can't remove war, poverty, starvation and hatred. But the least we can do is to spread love and kindness regardless of the circumstances. Let's start by:

1. Be kind- There is endless human suffering around. People are being stripped of their identity, confidence and purpose. People are raw, broken and vulnerable. BE KIND to them by giving them a chance to express their doubts, hopes and insecurities. Fuel their growth. Motivate them to believe in the power to turn their hopes and dreams into reality.

2. Be grateful- Being grateful is a choice we make. End your day by being grateful and feeling truly blessed for all that life has to offer. Train your mind to focus on what you have than what you've lost. Express your desire to truly thank people who helped you stay afloat when you were drowning. People who helped curtail grief, desperation and fear by showing love, kindness and generosity. People who helped you laugh, embraced you, offered shoulders to lean on and provided sorrowful reaction to tears. Make sure to pen down your gratitude to people who have made you smile or lightened your burden. The tangible note will be something they will refer to in moments when they need to know they've made a difference. Your act of gratitude will be just as meaningful as the effort that prompted it.

3. Be hopeful- Offer hope to people who are lost, suffering, bitter, worried and struggling. Lift someone's spirit. Keep the positivity flowing in them. Be the platform to provide light to others.

We all have this limitless power of goodness within us. We get so busy in our lives that we forget to appreciate the people we love. So, sometimes we do need a reminder. I don't feel off the hook in treating people with love and kindness during the rest of the year. I feel more stimulated. So, let's bring some love back into this world.

A zillion thoughts run through my mind along with a flood of emotions. My heart swells with the memories of the various acts of support and help that were done on behalf of you'll. A BIG thank you to each one of you who allowed me into your lives along my journey thus far. Your every prayer, every encouraging word, and kind gesture has helped me be the person I am today. Each one of you'll contributed to making me better than I was yesterday. You'll taught me to celebrate the small victories in life, and that my life is a result of the choices I have made. THANK YOU for being in this with me. I'm extraordinarily blessed and truly humbled.

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Thursday, February 4, 2016

What comes first - Marriage or Kids?

Neither. YOU come first. Sounds narcissist? Don't care. The truth is that you MUST love yourself first before you love anyone else. "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" is an advice more given than taken. How many of us really do have the ability to love our neighbors in the first place? Leave alone like ourselves. What I understand from that phrase is, Love yourself FIRST, and then love others as yourself. It's a gentle, spiritual reminder to respect yourself, feel valuable and worthy of who you are, taking care of yourself, before we treat others in the same way.

While parenting, you'll often hear people say, "You are a MOTHER. You CHOSE to be one, honor that job. You are selfish to be leaving your child(ren) behind to pursue interests of your own. Your kids are all that should matter to you. You will destroy them if you focus on yourself. Be a GOOD mother." Traditionally, a mother and a martyr are synonymous. The Religion of Motherhood states that a woman should sacrifice herself, her essence dying with the placenta, after childbirth. Mothering is all about ignoring your needs and dreams to support the ones you 'love the most'. WRONG! This
MYTH is going to kill you. The only way you'll survive is to love yourself MORE before loving anyone else. Motherhood is the awesomest responsibility of becoming THAT most important living example in the eyes of your children.

For kids, you are their world. You are their true hero, and what you say and do really matters. Use your own life as an example to teach them how to feel worthwhile and valuable, how to accept flaws, be independent and self-sufficient. Let them see you tolerant of your own mistakes in the same way you would want them to be. They MUST see you rest, play, laugh, and nourish yourself - spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. This is the best gift you'll give your children - the knowledge to see their needs as valuable and important, the gift of living fully, and of showing love by doing what you love.

Healthy relationships occur between two people who are comfortable with themselves, in addition to one another. Love develops by making your own happiness a top priority. Relationships flourish when both partners are kind, accepting, compassionate and empathetic towards each other. Make compromises, but not at the expense of loosing out on being yourself. Happiness means so much more when it's derived as a result of working towards becoming the person you want to be. So, get out of your comfort zone, awaken your thoughts, explore your dreams, thrive to succeed, also fail until you hit rock bottom. Make your personal contentment and prosperity a lifestyle choice.

So, Dear YOU:
Tailor your dreams and cling on to the one that makes you, YOU. Create the pathway to contorl what makes you happy. Be selfish; focus on you. For, there is nothing more satisfying than adjusting the rear-view mirror on your life to look back and see how much you've grown.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Absence doesn't always make the heart grow fonder.

Love is hard to predict. A lot of us have experienced the unexpected, when it comes to romance. In the age of social media, it's easier than before to feel like we are close to someone, despite how physically far away we are. However, physical proximity is extremely important in love to achieve real intimacy. Distance means not having to see, touch, smell and feel your partner in person. There would be times when you can't help but wonder if your bond is strong enough to withstand the distance.

The thought of being miles away from your significant other, sitting by the window, and longing for their embrace seems very romantic, but not very realistic. There's a plethora of reasons why a couple might be in a long distance relationship, but sometimes the distance can actually be a deal breaker. In the beginning, the rush of running into each other's arms after a few days, weeks or months of being apart is exhilarating and thrilling, but over time, distance can win. Not due to lack of love, but due to lack of contact. At first, it's excruciating to live without your partner. Days will seem forever and nights endless. But after a few weeks/months, one finds ways to fill up their lives with other things that your partner's absence doesn't feel as palpable. Lack of physical intimacy can be stressful, too. Physical closeness bonds you to your partner in deep and meaningful ways. You can have some great conversations and write the best poetry when you'll are living apart, but nothing compares the feeling of curling up in someone's arms and the sense of security that comes with it. More often than not, truth becomes optional in long distance relationships. When there is absolutely no chance of meeting your partner for extended periods in time, with significant enough time-zone difference, streamlining conversations is evident. Since fact check doesn't take place, we make details of our daily lives of how we want them to be.

The worst of all this is that you are oblivious of what the other person feels. Is he/she spending time yearning for you? Is he/she pinning for you in the same way? You'll not only get anxious of your feelings, but theirs, too. It's tempting to believe that distance is not an obstacle, but a beauiful reminder of how strong true love can be. It's tempting to hope that a person who loves you truly will never let you go whatever the situation is. We want to know we'll sail through.

So, if you are in a long distance relationship, focus on the details of the situation. With all it's colors and shades. Respect, support and communicate with each other. Be faithful, honest and true to each other. Love each other with all your heart. It's okay if it gets messy. Love doesn't have to be perfect. Just worth it!

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