Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

What comes first - Marriage or Kids?

Neither. YOU come first. Sounds narcissist? Don't care. The truth is that you MUST love yourself first before you love anyone else. "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" is an advice more given than taken. How many of us really do have the ability to love our neighbors in the first place? Leave alone like ourselves. What I understand from that phrase is, Love yourself FIRST, and then love others as yourself. It's a gentle, spiritual reminder to respect yourself, feel valuable and worthy of who you are, taking care of yourself, before we treat others in the same way.

While parenting, you'll often hear people say, "You are a MOTHER. You CHOSE to be one, honor that job. You are selfish to be leaving your child(ren) behind to pursue interests of your own. Your kids are all that should matter to you. You will destroy them if you focus on yourself. Be a GOOD mother." Traditionally, a mother and a martyr are synonymous. The Religion of Motherhood states that a woman should sacrifice herself, her essence dying with the placenta, after childbirth. Mothering is all about ignoring your needs and dreams to support the ones you 'love the most'. WRONG! This
MYTH is going to kill you. The only way you'll survive is to love yourself MORE before loving anyone else. Motherhood is the awesomest responsibility of becoming THAT most important living example in the eyes of your children.

For kids, you are their world. You are their true hero, and what you say and do really matters. Use your own life as an example to teach them how to feel worthwhile and valuable, how to accept flaws, be independent and self-sufficient. Let them see you tolerant of your own mistakes in the same way you would want them to be. They MUST see you rest, play, laugh, and nourish yourself - spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. This is the best gift you'll give your children - the knowledge to see their needs as valuable and important, the gift of living fully, and of showing love by doing what you love.

Healthy relationships occur between two people who are comfortable with themselves, in addition to one another. Love develops by making your own happiness a top priority. Relationships flourish when both partners are kind, accepting, compassionate and empathetic towards each other. Make compromises, but not at the expense of loosing out on being yourself. Happiness means so much more when it's derived as a result of working towards becoming the person you want to be. So, get out of your comfort zone, awaken your thoughts, explore your dreams, thrive to succeed, also fail until you hit rock bottom. Make your personal contentment and prosperity a lifestyle choice.

So, Dear YOU:
Tailor your dreams and cling on to the one that makes you, YOU. Create the pathway to contorl what makes you happy. Be selfish; focus on you. For, there is nothing more satisfying than adjusting the rear-view mirror on your life to look back and see how much you've grown.


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