Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Nanotale #Lost

"Give me space", he said.
She obliged. He felt liberated, only to be lost in a crowd.

1 comment :

  1. Wow..That is a replica of my untold feelings that has been eating away for a quite a long time. Also, a part of me is scared to speak out being fierce and selfish to follow my ambitions given that being a mother is put on priority. Hats off to you for being bold enough to post a daring-yet-confidence-boost message for all mommy's who are still unable to express themselves out. I can say that to myself at the least if not all. Wonderful post. Women rock, Specially mommy's rock who try to balance the needs of family and herself.

    Very Nice message Nikita.

    Keep posting and keep changing the world at your own pace.

    Love it!

    lots of love,


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