Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Understanding Women - FOR Dummies.

Since the dawn of time, men have complained that women are hard to understand. Men claim our actions contradict our words; we are essentially unexplainable, secretive, moody and a MYSTERY. No one would argue that understanding women demands time, work and effort. Over the years men have been trying to solve the mystery behind a woman's mind and nothing concrete has emerged from that research thus far.

So, in honor of the failure to produce any significant results after so much pondering, I thought I'll offer an insider's peek at the female species. I just had to intervene. A list of things for those who could use a little help.

You are VERY welcome.

-"You look fabulous" should ALWAYS be the ONLY correct response. Without having to ask!

-We want to know about your ex-flames, ONLY to confirm we are better. And, yes, we've googled all of them!

-It's called cheating the moment you "think" of doing something you wouldn't want us catching you doing.

-When we say, "Having lunch with a friend", it means that, plus shopping.

-"Fine" is not a synonym for "beautiful".

-Chivalry turns us on. We love it when you fix the car, fill gas, catch bugs, carry bags, etc.

-Love, honor, obey and vaccum. Not necessarily in that order.

-Most of things in our closet were never on sale. They were...well, desirable.

-We'd like to HAVE the advantage in every single fight/argument. And, we WIN, hands down. Don't beat that. You'll be given options such as "You want to fight to be right" or "You want me to be happy". Choose wisely.

-Because we are women, needless to say, we are ALWAYS right. Accept it.

-Emotions insist on deeds. If you say you love me, prove it.

-We set the timer the moment you say you'll be home in 30 mins from office. Think before answering when asked.

-Watching sports on TV is not referred as "quality time" or "spending time together".

-You should know all this and more without my telling you.

And there you have it. For the applicable folks, I’ll look forward to your 50th anniversary party invitation in the mail.

Monday, September 7, 2015

What's your #Superpower?

I am a mother. And that suffices as an explanation. I'm talking of a life as a mother that is filled with schedules; pouring cereals into bowls, rinsing dishes, forehead kisses, changing diapers, building castles, complimenting Lego creations, cooking, digging in sand, picking up toys, scrubbing floors, wiping noses, et al. All this and much more while I wait for my coffee to brew, and drink it peacefully.

Glamorous? No!

But that is what we are. Mothers. Giving of ourselves; minutes turning into hours, hours into days, days into weeks, weeks into months that roll into years. Years that accumulate to create a life filled with everyday mommy moments in them.

Moments of joy, the beauty of the day, the smiles, the giggles and the squeals. But, somehow in this world of things to do, and achieving corporate goals, the beauty of just being a mother is completely lost.

Isn't being a mother sufficient? It is, I feel.

Success of motherhood cannot be judged by the science project your child got an A+ for. Neither in the score they receive for reading or the achievements in Math tests. The bar of success is raised so high by culture and media that the little things we experience in motherhood are completely lost and rendered unimportant.

Do you know what's important? The little things. The mommy things.

Combing back pigtails, tying up skates just right-tight, running for a catch, jumping on the trampoline, playing one board game after another, reading their favorite stories or turning on music for an impromptu dance break with your kids.

Last night, as I was putting my daughter to sleep, she coils her arms around me and tells me how the saddest part of her day is bedtime. I ask her why and she replied, "Because I miss you". And, then I ask her what is her favorite time of the day, to which she says, "When you read me my favorite princess book. You are the bestest mommy". :-) Felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders. It was comforting to know that she's not focusing on the bad things - times when I've lost my patience with her, raised my voice or nagged her on the most absurd things.

These are the things that matter. Things that are not "favourited" on Twitter or "liked" on Facebook. Small things that we celebrate. Things that most people don't see.

They don't see us wake up at midnight to scoop the most fragile of a human being close to warmth. To rock, nourish, change diapers, and sheets that are leaked on and leaked through. They don't see us battling toddler tantrums, shaping a soul, find shoes every morning, remove stains from every piece of cloth, and cook a dinner out of nothing.

They don't see us keep the kids off the road, walking into the doctor's office, friend's house and keeping them occupied. They don't see us put in 90-hours by mid-week and still do one more load of laundry. And some more pots and pans in the sink. They don't see us staying up late for projects that have no end, wake up early the next day to get things ready for school, and wave out the door until the car lights are no longer in sight. And still keep going..

So, dear mother(s):
Don't wear out. You may not be the perfect mother, but you are a REAL mother. A mother who bends and surrenders not only to the pains of labour, but far and beyond, to the heart pain of letting go - from the womb, from the arms, from the door. A mother who doesn't receive a bonus for potty training or the benefits of a company car if folded laundry piles are kept back in drawers. YOU are a mother who receives compensation through hugs and kisses. Whose rewards are delivered in the form of the most precious smiles and softest snuggles.

Your success can never ever be rolled into a paycheck. Your job is ever-changing, and the job-duties are endless.

Nature's giving tree - That is YOU. Today, tomorrow and forever.

And, that is your #Superpower. What's yours?


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