Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Monday, May 8, 2006

For my friend.

As I write this....a dear friend of mine is hurting...feeling that nothing is working for her...that all her efforts to save her relationship have gone in vain. She feels like giving up. So I am writhing this...only for HER..hoping that when she reads this...she might see things in a different way.

Dear Friend,

We both know that life is never easy. Each of us have gone through difficult and odd times in our separate lives. We both have told each other - it's neither here or neither there. We all make mistakes in life - getting into wrong marriages, working in the wrong place, making wrong friends, living bad decisions. But can know how things will turn out until we are not a part of it.? Never. There is always an end, for sure, because nothing in this world is left midstream.

Stop here and think for a while - Life does not stand still for anyone. We all have to make choices - move on or fall back and be left behind. With all past experiences, one can see life better with fresh interests, understanding, appreciation and wisdom. This journey continues. It's lifelong. Life is a continuous play - of giving and receiving. Bitter and sweet, success and failure, good and bad, ugly and beautiful, joy and sadness, high and low - you will often find yourself at one end or the other. This is LIFE ---difficult, rough and imperfect but RICH. There is no secret to living life. It's just about keeping in step to the beating of the drum - to the music played by that ONE drummer.

To quote:“ One day we will find our place, for all things fall into place, For all things have a place, in the greater scheme of things.”- Fr. Johnny. True to day these fractured bits of our lives will fall in place. We were never promised a world of roses and ease, were we? I sometimes look back often to see what's gone past behind me. I do this only to appreciate where I am today; What I am today. The past, gruesome in some and excellent in another, has created my passions, interests, desires, expectations and dreams in one package that people see, interact with and relate to each day.

Whatever you do with your life is purely your decision. I, (or no one for that matter) can tell you what is best for you to do. NO ONE KNOWS BETTER HOW THINGS TRULY ARE UNLESS THEY DON"T EXPERIENCE IT THEMSELVES. Yet, the eternal truth - there are always 2 sides to a coin ---Yours and the other person's. No matter how you feel justified in your stand, the other end also has his/her story to tell. And so goes every tale told by man.

It's not your fault and neither his. It's just the way things are - You love him and he doesn't. You want him to love you - but he can't and he won't. How on earth can he give you something which isn't even there in the 1st place? He's been trying to tell you all the while...but you didn't understand. Give him credit for his honesty. Wake Up! You can't puch love. Neither can you beg or plead for it. So let go!

Start to develop yourself. Use your God-given talents to find out new challenges, new meanings and new directions. Find out what you are good at. Never mind the kind of relationship you were in - what matters is YOU. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Move on and reclaim the right to be you. Don't waste your time on things you can't resolve. But, put all your energies on what is within your ability to control. No one can hurt us bad enough to make us sulk all day. Look inward - you will find hope. Hope (and so do we) wants you to believe that there is something greater to look forward to ---bigger than our small lives. Better and good. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It's time to laugh again.



  1. Hey Niks,

    Really well written. Hope that your frnd comes outta this soon.

    @Niks friend,

    There's a light at the end of every dark tunnel. Keep the hopes alive. Things will get betta soon.


  2. Dear Friend,

    To make a relationship work, it takes two people to make joint effort. And I know you must have tried your very best to make things work.

    You love the guy and you don't want to leave him. But what if the guy doesn't love you. Becoz if he did love you he would NEVER EVER think of leaving you.

    Most of us at some point of time have gone through this phase of life. The reason to leave a person are all wierd becoz once the person decides to leave the other person nothing comes to his or her mind becoz that person doesn't love the other person. It's just some attraction or need which brought that person near to you.

    I just hate people to try to play with emotions of the opposite person. They never think how bad the opposite person would get hurt becoz they just don't care for the opposite person. They only care for themselves and we come into their motives just becoz we love them.

    Trust me its better to find someone who cares for you. Who understands you and your needs. Whom you can trust in middle on nite. Whose warmth would take away coldness around you and give you the energy to fight against the world.
    Just don't give up. You will be the one for you.

    Just see the brighter side of it. It's better to break up now rather then half way through the journey of life. You would rather start with someone precious, someone who cares for you, someone who loves you then someone you love. You gotta make a wise decision for yourself. I know its easy for me to write then for you to implement. Wish You All the very Best.

    Cheer Up!

  3. Ur such a wonderful friend Niki...ur friend is lukcy to have ya...

    **This is LIFE ---difficult, rough and imperfect but RICH.

    very true...ur friend will surely see that soon...especially after reading this heart-warming letter of true strength for ya....


  4. Dear Friend,

    Your blessings are far more than your troubles. God made sure of that from the start. You need to start counting those blessings and leave your troubles behind.

    All da best.


  5. I have always believed - time will always be there, but the people you love and treasure won’t. Life is short—theirs and yours.

    We waste a lot of time in mourning over the people who've left us and forget to appreciate the ones who are there for us. I've made that mistake...and advice you against it.


  6. “Never forget the power inside you. Today is the day you can make a choice to live your best life.”

    -Robin Sharma. True to the above's ur decision what u do with ur life. Make it or destroy it.

    May God help you make a wise decision.


  7. Somebody has said " Relationship is a Mirror ", what we see in others is our own reflection. U attract a type of person by what u r and not by what u look for.

    So I think relationship is just a simple thing, the happy the being the happy her relationship.

  8. Nothing happens until you move. Help you see a whole new world. The life you now see is not
    necessarily the life you will have in a year or two years or in a decade. And you truly can change it all with a decision.


  9. For Niksi's frnd,

    No great human being reached their mountaintop just by hoping it would happen. Hope is important. Add focus, persistence and, above all else, action and special things happen. So take the leap. Today.

  10. Loved ones die young, good fortunes are lost, lives are changed. But you see, God sees the bigger picture of our lives-- while we see just a teeny-weeny square.

    Don't give up. Take one step at a time. And u'll come out a winner.


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