Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Monday, August 7, 2006

(Un)Lucky - No time for Sex!

Identity of my dearest, workoholic, climbing up the corporate ladder friend, married to an eqally ambitious batchmate-turned-husband has been camouflaged.

'Are you cent percent sure?'

'Yup. I am sure. We share the same year/month of birth; we both are 28, we both would trun 29 this year. And approaching 30 very sooon.

'Damn. I am scared. My biological clock is ticking away and I haven't yet reached a common ground with my husband on the baby topic'!!

'Speak to him', I said.

'What do u intend to do?', I asked further.

'Dunno. My husband refuses to touch me. He fears that I mite con him, and he is not prepared to shoulder sucha huge responsibility.' He doesn't understand that he can think of delaying it, but I can't'.

'You are at a good position in your career. Are you mentally, emotionally, financially prepared for a baby at this stage?', I asked.

'Forget the rest. Emotionally I am.'

Me: 'Only one solution. Seduce him'.

'How I wish!. Due to our respective hectic work schedules we hardly get to see each other. Forget getting into that act'.

Me: 'Why don't you guys plan a vacation. Check on when does a long weekend come and go some place.'

'Ummmm. Yup. Guess would have to do that.'

'Where do I start?'

Me: 'Lingerie. Let's shop.'

'Meet you at 6:00. Bye.'

Me: 'Bye'.


  1. Niks,

    Funny! we see ur husband lamenting after u get married...Jeez!


  2. Niki,

    Wishing you a very happy married life. U deserve all of life's best.


  3. Nikki, u can be the next ' Love Guru ' on radio city or like madira bedi in some newspaper.

    Dont u think u r into a wrong profession ?

  4. Anonymous

    Love Guru..and me??

    Nopes, mate. I have been foolish in love before. What advise wud I give to someone, when I myself look up for support time and again!

    Dont u think u r into a wrong profession ?

    As of the current situation I am jobless. Do you have any job for me?


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