Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

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The new tiny-tot in my life, Arjun. Just can't stop raving about him.


  1. hi...:) me first! seems like I m a bit late but lemme wish u a very warm CONGRATULATIONS on being an Aunt... guesss what I became an Uncle.. (lol that makes me sound old!!) a yar ago... my bro has got TWINS!!! :) :).. n I tell u I just cant describe how I feel abt them... they r d sweetest n d most innocent kids on this planet!! :)

  2. hi n I read ur reply to my comment on d last u dint confuse me at all.."what I am "supposed" to feel... n what I do feel.." this is a trauma that every1 goes through in their lives sometime... I m not sayin I m out of this was when I felt something which I was sure no one in my family would accept...but well hankfully its over...but I m sure something else will come again.... part of life..I just try n think in as optimistic a term as possible...:) hope I dint sound too silly or lectury...

  3. J.I: Indeed, children are the best gift that God gives. Twinkle in eyes, innocence in laughter, oblivious of whats right n whats wrong and always at peace.

    but I m sure something else will come again...

    I hope it does. And I am tired of this angst in my life. Should shut up and get on with it.

    part of life

    U bet it is.Wonder what happened to my sane life? Atleast at that time, the madness was only in my head and not for the world to see.

  4. Niki Aunty!! CONGRATULATIONS!!



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