Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

The road of life....

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.... is never easy. It's filled with a lot of adventure.
Each of us have gone through odd and difficult times in our separate lives.
Each one of us is given a choice of various roads on our way - each unique and equally adventurous.
Choices may vary, but the destinantion is always the same.
You can decide on smaller destinations but the final destination is known to none and is always a mystery.
A road that looks beautiful in the beginning may end up being a dreadful forest.
A road that looks horrifying and is less travelled may actually lead to a lovely palace.
This kind of adventurous roads are what makes life excting and worth living.

Hope - it stands as a tiny ember but then its fire constantly burning – for you. Believe that in everyone this ‘hope’ burns steadily, albeit stubbornly. Hope wants you to believe that there is something greater than us, something to look forward to --- bigger than our small lives. Better and good.

True, one day all the odd and fractured pieces of our lives will all fall into place. Then we will begin to see that all was for naught but meant to complete the bigger scheme of things.


  1. >True, one day all the odd and fractured pieces of our lives will all fall into place.

    I agree to all your words. It's an eternal truth.Hope is what makes us live life.

    It's upto an individual to make life fun and enjoy each and every adventurous part of game.

    Have Fun,

  2. True. But....

    When hope shatters into pieces, it shows a very cruel picture. You see a person who fears to do anything as anything may go wrong. And the road to life then sees only one turn and that is death. And in this time only friends / wellwishers can help reinstall hope. So get back to ur friends when you need. HOPE they will help you out.


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