Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Life remixed.

Life irruptly has acquired a new dimension, renewed ambitions and a sharper focus. I can now aver that whatever happened during the last few months has given me inclement lessons and am no longer insecure, doubtful of my own capacity, or in a state of quandary. Instead there's been a drastic change of attitude in handling difficult situations, dealing with people, sustaining relationships and increasing frustration.

Perhaps past has its own way of correcting ur future, and some lessons were crucial for my own well being.

Earlier, I would get so easily dependent on others for the smallest of decisions, it's surprising to see to myself have the courage to face reality all alone.......Me..bravado :-).

Maybe am learning to survive on my own. Am learning to be objective and rational. Am learning not to give up till last minute. Am able to see my dreams take a shape,even if its just a start!

As long as there is willingness, I'll do it....


  1. hey babe ..whts with the language in LIFE REMIXED..?? just too much huh...;-)..

    didnt know u were soo rich

  2. And using the word "REMIX" has got nothing to do with being rich! I don't know why some nutheads want to display their non-existing skills :D


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