Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Gearing up..slowly and surely!

When ma buddies ask me how the wedding preparations are coming along, all I say is "Everything is over. Slowly but surely". There's so much to do, but I can't do so many things at one time. So I take it bit by bit, one thing at a time.

I look at online classified ad’s for apartment listings, look into various sites for deals for a vacation, talk to travel agents for my tickets, before running out again. I visit the temple and say prayers that the evil spirit will stay the hell away.

"You're really doing well!", says he.

"Really", I asked him. "I feel like I am my head is going to blast".

I always dreamt about my marriage like most girls do, and I admit I am enjoying the process.

As much as I love thinking about the frills, that's what it is to me… Our families… Our love… Our life… Coming together, slowly and surely!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

How do you write when there are currents flowing inside you that completely overpower your senses? Places, people,'s the feeling of being empty, yet completely bombared with life, with all it's sounds and smells? It's like walking back home without thinking of single thing about my own life. Thoughts juggling in my head for a while and then just leaving me, letting me just be. Dejected and dissappointed faces staring at me, waiting to go home, staring onto the road.

How do people make the decisions they take? Do people really care when they say they do? Can anyone make decisions that are completely selfish? We don’t think at all before blatantly hurting the people we love. To what height of conceitedness are we ready to fall, before we hold ourselves responsible for the damage we’re directly responsible for?

I stand today in the midst of all this chaos, watching loved ones bleed as the knife is pushed deeper and deeper in..watery eyes, weary people stare at me and size me up...waiting for my insides to pass out..

I've spent my better years in trying to undo the pain that I never did cause myself..and yet when I see the same old phantom looming back into the lives of my loved ones, I do nothing except watch it come and wrench out the heart of my loved ones. I wannna run , for I cant watch them being destroyed itself, little by little…

It's about being still, about listening intently to each of the songs of the little birds, to chase a peacock only to have his magnificent view a while later. It's about knowing just how much you are loved, walking endlessly, watching people wither away, holding your best friend’s hand for one last time yet again and wondering why doesn't the world stop spinning and just rest for a while.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Are you starting afresh?

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingIt's not so easy to start afresh. It's better to finish than start anew. The time machine ticks by inevitably and offers no pause. We can ignore time, but what about the changes that comes along with it? That's impossible to avoid. There's something ferocious about the way each second ticks, for the optimist and the pessimist. It never goes at the pace you want it to - the times we want it to run faster, it crawls and vice-versa. But even then, time is what one would trust above all things in the universe.

I am one who is always conscious of time. Each time I look forward to the future, there is a nagging pain when I let the time pass by me. It has the catch-me-if-you-can attitude and time has been the biggest villain in ma life. I have very little option than not trusting, this trust causes nothing but procrastination.But as I keep listing the things I would want to do in the future, I feel contended with the time that life offers me.

Several occassions like Buddays and New Year's come as a breather in this rat race. These are times to bring in the new. It's difficult sometimes to convince ourselves that a new horizion is just around the bend, especially when things are going wrong. Each occassion is made up of erasing the old mistakes and starting with a new slate of hopes and renewed dreams. We divide our time into days, weeks, months, years etc. so that we get something fresh once in a while. I would love to live a life with nothing to look forward to. Is there anything more welcoming than hope?

With July, we've entered the second half of 2006. So many people would take this as an oppourtinity to start afresh. Not because the first half has been bad but just hoping that their second half is better. I, too hope that I work harder, my marriage goes off well, my visa is approved without any hassels, and so on and so forth.

The second half of this year has started on a good note for me. To everyone, who has forgotten to start again or is just kicking off, I sincerely hope that the next six months see all your hopes and dreams come true. May each one of you be blessed with success and all the happiness that comes along with it. Let peace and happiness take over......

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I often find myself wondering if one is ever well and truly free. I have neva been. And never will be. Tht's because deep down inside me I've always been skeptical of the existence of freedom. I think there is no such thing as being completely free. Not even after you are dead and gone, if you go by our religious scriptures. We all are caged and have restraints. We allow ourselves to be ensalved (there exists various degrees of willingness tho') be everything ranging from love, lust, commitments, to the darker elements like drugs and other crimes.

There is no such colour as purely black or white in our world of normal people. We are usually of the colour grey, a combination of thr two. It's only the dominance of one colour over the other that gets peple to satnd apart from the rest. These colours are painted by circumstances; the canvas is not complete. There are shades of red here, shades of blues and greens there. These colours are interpreted in different ways depending upon the individual's mindset. I perceive red to be love, passion and fury and all other feelings of the heart that go hand in hand, green is envy, jealousy and blue is innocence, and is universally deemed the colour of melancholy, to me it also emphasises vibrance. Have you seen the sky or the ocean wear a sad face? I haven't.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAll I have been trying to say is that we are all made of colours. We don't realise it that's another part of the story. It's the colours you see or you want to see that makes the person you are. When you admire the colors of another, you try and discover the same shade in you by scratching away the dull surface. We are what we make ourselves to be. There is always a choice however unconscious..

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Mumbai Blasts.

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God… this has become a regular feature. More bombs went off in Mumbai. I don’t even know what to say. Life is so full of incongruity. Was on my way home thinking about all the various ironical situations that happen everyday… when the news of the bomb blast came across. Couldn’t continue thinking in the lighter vein after that.

Born, brought up and educated in Mumbai, I love this place. I love its people, I am proud of the people who rushed to help… but the amount of coverage that the blasts are getting is making me sick. It was a crowded train, first class compartments, no leg space… actually no space for anything at all, people from various backgrounds were jostling to get in or out (involuntarily). Objective achieved once again. Some people dead, a sprinkling of panic, a liberal dose of damaged property and human life. I saw a huge puddle of blood and a trail that led from the blast site to a distance away. And I can’t stop thinking about the amoral wastage of precious human life. I don’t want to see anguished faces or hear people piecing the story block by cruel block. I do not want to smell fear and I most certainly don’t want to see suspicion on friendly faces.

I am a useless citizen who has no idea what to do except to vent everything here in a meaningless spew of verbal diarrhoea. What should we do to help?

I could beg… for peace.
I could beg for fellow citizens to maintain their temperament.
I could pray that humanity would rule over everything else.
I could hope tomorrow brings a brighter safer day.
I could wish health for those injured.
I could dream of a nonviolent boundary less world.
I could … get on with life.

The pride we Mumbaiyiites take in getting over everything is all very fine… but how long and how often could we do it?

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Having said that, 'The spirit of Mumbai' isn't just a pretty phrase — it's a reality that comes to the fore every time the city is struck by disaster. And it was out in full force on 11/7. Good Samaritans came in every shape and size on Tuesday evening — the much-reviled slum dwellers living near the railway tracks, fellow commuters, local residents' groups and passersby, who without a second thought rushed to the help of victims. SALAAM MUMBAI, ONCE AGAIN.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Of Feminism sows and Chauvinist Pigs.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI've been accused of being a hard core feminist. I've been convicted enuf number of times to be taken away to that vaginal prison of my complex race.

Dn't go wrong. I, like others do blush beetroot red over some gallant soul who opens the door or pulls out a chair for me, and I have discovered, much to my jaw-dropping (Ally McBeal ishtyle) horror,that the xy chromosome is capable of far more than the superfluous xx variety.

Despite such such heart-breaking thruths, I am a feminist and will always be one. Not the bra-burning, head-shaving, dam-saving kind, or the more gentle, but a certain unique little kind of my own.

I don't know what you'd call us - the modest tribe of feminists. We have never made any huge statements so far. We've always been silent and honestly we don't know what great deeds we've done to deserve all this all-encompassing. But we have all agreed to wear the badges and bake inevitable cookies, and being literate, we all know what this much-spoken-of label means.

Yes, we are harmless. Animals that need not be caged.

Here's the argument that is conclusive. We don't bother to fight for our so-called rights. Only because we've always thought we were superior - or equal, except those of us with inherently low self-esteem.


Welcome to India. We have cows on the street, people who spit into the roads, children running naked on streets. Have we not learnt to live with it? What's more is that we take pride in it. We like to brag about our rich culture and our heritage.

Our ancestry is our country’s claim to fame. The intelligence and foresight of our predecessors.We’ve all heard tales of the Ramayana and the Mahabharatha from our teachers in school and our grandparents.

And then the other two great epics of the world come from Greek lore. The Iliad and the Odyssey, for the illiterates. They’re all tales of battle and heroes. Of massive slaughter and reconciliation. And each of them revolve, in some way or the other around women. Battles for women, battles wrought by women. Even mythology to great extents speaks of wars of impressively great in size for women.

Draupadi insisted on the Kurukshetra massacre, Sita - the epitome of virtue, pure and flawless, whose beauty enticed Ravana and caused him to abduct her. The Trojan War - waged for one all-powerful woman and finally the batte of Penelope - the faithful wife who refused to marry another man. One more battle for one more woman.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAnd my point is....Women who were perfect, and women who were less so. In some way or the other they have caused conflict; they were the center of it all. Womanhood – powerful and irresistible. At the end of the day, no matter what is said and done, the world revolved around them.

In some incomprehensible way, they really wrote history.

And we are still fighting for women’s rights?

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

From Nappies to Skirts

From braids to ponytails

From High School to College

This journey might seem short but there is a bare truth that has gone inside it.

Parents welcome their little princesses in this world assuring them of a pampered childhood and a pleasant life ahead.

Am currently reading the autobiography of Protima Bedi - Time Pass. Her daughter had completed the preface and she had clearly expressed how she went into a whirlpool of gloom when her mother's boyfriend had spoken to her of sexual favours. The lady who possess a high glam quotient , didn't know how to react then. I am amazed at her honesty, since I've never come across anyone who are open to discuss their unpleasant childhood memories (if they've had any!).

I know girl who lived adjacent to my friend's place. She is ten something and the twinkle in her eye can make any person smile. She's a storyteller (talks like one!) - and I enjoy listening to her stories and poems. It was one day when I and my friend were leaning against the window chit-chatting that we saw her playing with the building watchman. Under the pretex of a game that man had something else in mind. We alerted her mother who then caught him off guard. Random thoughts started to run in my mind. From these random thoughts,coherent thoughts emerged. What cud have been her plight? What cud have been the long-term impact on her?

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThis is an area that is being ignored and one one wants to talk of it. Somethings are better left unsaid. Child abuse can have severe effects. Typically, most children who go thru child abuse exhibit behavior problems ranging from separation anxiety to posttraumatic stress disorder.

A survey conducted by the National Center for PTSD (Posttraumatic stress disorder) sited that one out of every five girls is sexually child abused. We can’t deny the fact that it is not happening; it is happening and it is happening around us. We need to be very careful - Pedophiles can be around the corner.

Studies of childhood sexual abuse, define childhood based on age range that may be in adolescence too. Children who are victims of improperly intimate r'ships are worst hit. Brother-sister incest is reported to be more common than the next common (step)father-daughter incest. I have read of such crazy facts, which are ridiculous but imagine the impact they leave on a child's psyche.

I don't say that it is the parent's responsibility to impart knowledge on their children of good touch or bad touch. Let children know that they have the right to prevent the wrong gestures. We need to tell them that authority does not mean to obey everything what those in authority tell them to do. We need to develop strong communication skills which would encourage them to talk openely of their experiences. We need to explain to them the importance of reporting abuse.

So, the next time you sing Que sera sera- what will be, will be to your child, remind yourself - the Future is ours to see!

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