Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Quote from Paul Coelho's Eleven Minutes:

Passion makes a person stop eating, sleeping, working, feeling at peace. A lot of people are frightened because, when it appears, it demolishes all the old things in its path.

No one wants their life thrown into chaos. That is why a lot of people keep that threat under control, and are somehow capable of sustaining a house or a structure that is already rotten. They are the engineers of the superseded.

Other people think exactly the opposite: they surrender themselves without a second thought, hoping to find in passion the solutions to all their problems. They make the other person responsible for their happiness and blame them for their possible unhappiness. They are either euphoric because something marvellous has happened or depressed because something unexpected has ruined everything.

Keping passion at bay or surrendering blindly to it - which of these two attitudes is the least destructive?

I don't know.


  1. hi,hello r u ???...writing after a looong time...wasnt comimg online all these days..hope u r fit n fine...healthy, happy and sweet as ever...take care......and haa...belated happy Valentines day to u..Bye!

  2. i thought atleast today u would write something here....atleast wish ur friends for u do on all the festivals..


  4. AF

    Sorry, mate! Have been silent lately. Belated wishes to you, too.

    Btw, how are u doing, health wise?

  5. Abhishek

    Our lives are full of holes - Yet isn’t it a fact that despite the holes punctured into our dreams, ambitions, plans – life is even sweeter because of it? Tell me how our dreams can ever take shape without having to go through the hurdle, impediment, obstacle or problem first?

  6. AF

    Too late to wish you for Valentines! :-(. But I hope you had a blast.

  7. Can we know the reason behind the lack of activity here?



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