Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

I have sinned....BIG time. Since momma's outta town, I and my sister-in-law (bhabhi) decided to fill our stomachs with junk foood. We gorged ourselves silly and just when we thought our stomachs would burst out, we went a step ahead and feasted on chocolate brownie with "extra" chocolate at Bombay Blues.

Can somebody please get Bombay Blues to shut shop.?

1 comment :

  1. >I have sinned....BIG time.

    Awwwwwwwwwww....Thy shall need a punishment :p
    Punishment will be decided based on enormity:-)

    >Since momma's outta town, I and my sister-in-law (bhabhi) decided to fill our stomachs with junk foood.

    Hmmmmmmmmmmm.......junk food.... yummmmmmyyyyy......If I also had a choice between home food and junk food ....I would prefer later... after all bahar ki daal is always enticing then ghar ki daal nah J... :p

    >just when we thought our stomachs would burst out, we went a step ahead and feasted on chocolate brownie with "extra" chocolate at Bombay Blues.

    Don't worry....those calories and extra calories from extra chocolate don't have space in stomach to show up since they are extra rite nah.....They would show up somewhere else....Do I need to mention the place.... :p

    >Can somebody please get Bombay Blues to shut shop.?

    Kissi ke pet pe laat marna achi baat nahin hai...I would rather open Bombay blues at every nukkad :-)
    Kaho Piyo Aur Aish Karo :-)
    Live Life Kingsize :-)

    Verdict :-
    Since YOU Eat alone and not on my behalf which is considered Biggest Crime of all. You need to go and Eat again!!!!!!!!!!

    On other note you have been good and following the motto EAT MORE!!! For which you will be rewarded later :-)

    Have Fun.


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