Communication - Although all of us have been communicating with others since our infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to another is a very complex process. So here is a blog for everyone...just ramble on!

Monday, September 5, 2005

And hence it all came at an end. Shorter questions and even more shorter answers. A Final BYE is where it gradually came to a close. That one conversation drifted them miles apart from each other. It was quite peaceful, no struggle, no assaults on the senses, the mind was free..only the heart would take longer.

Hate it when I have no one else to blame but myself.

Am i supposed to feel better or worse when you tell me, 'a lot of other people have gone through this, you will come out of it ok'?


  1. only the heart would take longer.
    It might take months...who knows even years for the heart to forget...

    Good thing is being strong from inside...never let things come back and haunt you


  2. Niks,

    Really well and you did a great job in explaining your feelings. i understand how you feel and trust me when I say you won't even know from where love will strike again...


  3. Arz000n:

    There... I knew... I wasn't gonna be alone..when I posted this!!!

    Somehow relationships that have something substantial in them never comes to an end. They just cease to exist in this mortal world as reality is too confining for them to survive here.

    It is strange how even when it all comes to an end you never stop loving those people. They still exist in words, songs, places and memories that live with you forever and once in a while on days like these they DO come back to haunt you.

  4. Niksi,

    that goooey feeling....pure r head over heels in love ma'am in case someone hasnt pointed it out to u!!! YAYYYY...congratulations!!


  5. Amit.H:

    Sush!!Every journey and every battle must come to an end. Life has to go on. Every day is a new day. Gimme tht brush, have lotsa scrubbing to do in the coming days.

  6. Niks,

    Sweets, you said it all in your comment to Amit. We are all there for you. You are not alone.


  7. Vijz:

    It was never a surprise. Whatever is happening is what I knew would happen. Then, why? Why can't I just seem to ignore it and move on and not feel like a child at his first day in play school? :-(

  8. Mitesh:

    Thanx mate. To stay optimistic is quite a struggle these days. It is easy to say "look at the brighter side of things" and quite difficult to really believe in it when the light at the end of the tunnel is growing more distant with each passing day.


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